23 March Communication from the Body Corporate Chairperson
The Body Corporate Committee has been working closely with the Building Manager to ensure appropriate procedures and hygiene for the building during the COVID-19 crisis period.
As of today, the gym, sauna and spa will be closed, access to the building by the front door at all times will be by security FOB, and residents will be asked to limit the number of passengers in lifts to four people.
The best source of information regarding details and management of COVID-19 in via the national news media, as there are daily developments. The communique from Oaks head office (18 March) was designed to advise lot owners of the general procedures that had been put in place in Oaks managed buildings (such as the Aurora Tower), with advice for residents and guests residing in the building, together with advice on the general procedures regarding additional hygienic cleaning to apply to common areas and rooms managed by Oaks.
The Building Manager has organised additional hygienic cleaning of all high traffic common areas in the building, which is an additional cost to the Body Corporate and placed notices in the lifts to ensure any residents required self-isolation are identified and managed as required.
Committee members have been involved in two meetings this morning in which considerable discussion occurred on management of COVID-19 and maintaining building hygiene. Be assured that management of the risk of infection in the common areas of the building is a very high priority for the Body Corporate Committee and the Building Manager. I believe appropriate practices are now in place to minimise the risk of infection for residents in common areas of the building.
However, management of infection risk ultimately depends very heavily on the behaviour of individual residents and their own hygiene practices and the Committee relies on individuals doing the’ right thing’ according to public announcements by Governments and their agencies.
We are all in this together and need to work cooperatively to achieve workable outcomes, as we are all in unchartered waters.
In the meantime, our objective, is to act according to advice from the Government as best we can.