New Residents

Welcome to Aurora from the members of the Body Corporate Committee

This website has a lot of information that will help you to more quickly become a part of our community.

The tab titled LogIn requires owners to register once (ADMIN) to gain access to the  Owners-Only Information section. On registration your information will be verified. Once this process is successful you will have access through your own user name and password.  If you would like to ask questions then you can send an email to who would be happy to help you.

The Committee provides circulars from time to time to owners about various issues on which owners’ feedback is welcome. Communication is by email and we strongly encourage you to provide your email contact details to EBCM as this makes the process more efficient and cost effective.

As a new resident, you will need to contact Energy Resources Corporation (ERC) to connect electricity, gas and water. ERC have a customer service team available Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 to assist with any Account set up or Account queries you may have. Contact details are phone (07) 5437 8188 or .

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by email at

WELCOME TO AURORA SUMMARY January 2023 (click for pdf)

LOADING DOCK & LIFT BOOKING FORM June 2021 (click for pdf)

Please click below for more specific information: