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35222 – Pet application

The Body Corporate requires all pets to be registered and approved before entering the building.

You must apply to the Body Corporate for approval. Approval is subject to compliance with the following By-Law 11 and any other condition that may be set by the Body Corporate. This also applies to pets that are regular visitors to the building.

The pet will be registered in the Pet Register and a copy is kept by the Building Manager.  In the event of a fire or a pet is lost within the building the Register will help to reestablish the pet with its owner.

The Body Corporate recommend owners have their pet covered by a public liability insurance policy to a minimum of $20 million in the event of an accident directly or indirectly caused by the pet.

By-Law 11 Keeping of Animals

1. The occupier of a lot must not, without the Committee’s written approval bring or keep an animal on the lot or the common property or permit an invitee to bring or keep an animal on the lot or the common property.

2. Before bringing an animal onto the scheme or a lot, the owner must make a written application to the Body Corporate Committee seeking permission to keep such an animal. The lot owner must provide detailed information about the animal and the conditions under which it will be kept on the lot including a clear photograph of the animal.

3. In deciding whether to approve an animal or not the Committee may take into account the nature of the animal and the likelihood of it causing a nuisance to other lots and may also impose any other condition not contained in these By Laws.

4. An approved animal must wear and identification tag, tattoo or microchip.

5. An approved animal must always be kept in the confines of the lot and not allowed to roam onto another lot or the common property.

6. An approved animal is not permitted on common property except for the purpose of entering or leaving the scheme.

7. Dogs must always be kept on a lead or otherwise restrained when on common property and must not be taken into recreational areas such as swimming pool, gym, function room or barbeque areas.

8. An approved animal must not cause a nuisance to any other occupiers or unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of their lots.

9. An approved animal must be cleaned, trimmed, immunised and treated for worms, fleas and ticks, in accordance with the recommendations of a qualified veterinary surgeon and proof of the maintenance of the animal must be supplied to the Body Corporate upon request.

10. The person in charge of an animal must immediately remove any droppings from the common property.

11. In the case of a dog kept on exclusive use areas, the lot owner must remove droppings from lawns and other areas daily to prevent odours causing a nuisance to other lots.

12. Droppings must be disposed of in such a way that it does not create noxious odours or otherwise contaminate the scheme.

13. If an animal causes a nuisance or the lot owner breaches these by-laws the Body Corporate may withdraw approval for an animal and give the lot owner 7 days’ notice to remove the animal from the scheme.

Date of Application:
Today's Date
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Pet Owners Name:
Your Full Name
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Apartment Number
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Pet Owners Mobile Number
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Your Email
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Pet's Name
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Sex of Pet
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Council registration number
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Any other considerations
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Photo of Pet (required)
Please include a photo of your pet with your application.
Click Here to Attach
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